Growing with
our Communities
Impact Report 2023/2024
The Y Ballarat Community Impact Report 2023/2024





Stacey Oliver
Board President's Report
It gives me great pleasure to present and welcome you to the Y Ballarat and Y Ballarat Youth Services Community Impact Report for 2023/24.
The Report celebrates the dedication of staff, volunteers, and partners in making a lasting impact in the lives of young people. It highlights the resilience and passion of our teams as they work together towards our shared vision.
The Board and Executive Leadership Team continue to align “Towards Vision 2030,” with evolving sector trends and look forward to seeing the positive impact of Year 3 of our strategic plan.
Craig Mathieson
CEO's Report
This year, we made significant strides under our Strategic Plan, “Towards Vision 2030,” focusing on Community Wellbeing, Meaningful Work, A Just World, and a Sustainable Planet.
Highlights include initiating the next stage of the Best Start, Best Life reform, and seeing remarkable impact through our early learning, OSHC and Youth Programs as we educate, inspire, and empower young people.
As we grow and change with our communities, I would like to acknowledge that our incredible achievements are a testament to our amazing staff team. I thank all our people for their passion and commitment which continue to create meaningful impact in the lives of so many young people and their communities.

Amplifying youth voices
We believe in the power of inspired young people to shape their own futures.
The voice of our Youth Action and Advisory Group directly informs our organisation, leading to the creation of youth-focused programs and activities designed and delivered with and for young people.
We have benefitted greatly from their perspectives, insights and time. With their input, we co-create opportunities for growth, and they demonstrate positive ways to lead and thrive in a world that values their contribution.
Empowered to influence
Supported by the Y Ballarat Youth team, our Youth Action and Advisory Group (YAAG) collaborate with the Y Ballarat to effectively engage young people, and make real and lasting change for local youth.
Over the past 12 months the YAAG has worked with the Y Ballarat Board, the local community and organisations such as Headspace and Tiny Pride. They have developed and supported intiatives for other young people, including events and workshops, educational materials and added a youth voice to the Y Ballarat’s strategy.
Unforgettable experiences,
lasting impact
Through their experiences with the Y, members of our Youth Action and Advisory Group found that they were empowered to achieve impact in ways they couldn’t have imagined.
They wrote the Y Ballarat a heartfelt letter sharing their highlights and thoughts on their journey of growth.

Creating a wonderland
A vision to create an enriching environment for children at Inverloch & District Preschool, saw an idea which expanded and grew, all while harnessing the power of community collaboration.
An elongated timeline turned positive, allowing for modifications to the original plan and results way beyond everyone’s expectations.
“We are grateful for the professional insight of our educators to cater for the needs of our children in the design of the space, the Parent & Advisory Group members over the years for their input, the Bass Coast local Council for approval of the upgrade and Y Ballarat for all their work making the dream a reality creating an incredible space for our kinder.”
Susan Houlahan, PAG President
Inverloch & District Preschool

“When I was an Educator at Inverloch & District Kindergarten I noticed an overlooked area of the kinder yard and thought that it would make a fantastic sandpit kitchen and seating area for families.”
Former Educator,
Inverloch & District Kindergarten

“This was a really rewarding project. It was a privilege to be involved in this playground transformation to create a beautiful space for children to grow, learn and enjoy for years to come.”
Sam Youlden
Partnership Coordinator, Y Kinders; Project Manager for the development

“All our families are really positive about the outside space. The parents that came to our Open Day were so impressed with the outdoor area and were excited by all the opportunities that the playground presented.”
Teacher, Inverloch & District Preschool

Transforming Early Education


Swan Hill





Central Goldfields


Mount Alexander


Baw Baw

Bass Coast
South Gippsland

East Gippsland
As part of the ‘Best Start, Best Life’ early childhood education reform, Pre-Prep is being introduced with a 12 year roll-out across the state. Y Kinders’ services in Ararat Rural City were announced to be amongst the first in Victoria to offer 30 hours of fully funded, free kindergarten for 4-year-old children in 2025.
In preparation, we consulted extensively with the local community and our Educator teams during planning to inform the implementation of Pre-Prep in our Ararat kindergartens.
Our thorough approach has kept community and choice at its heart. From this, we’ve developed a variety of session timetables designed to provide families with genuine alternatives when selecting a kindergarten. For many, a 30-hour free program opens up employment hours and options, significantly reducing cost for families.
Y Kinders, known for its commitment to innovation and quality, has been a pioneer in early childhood education for over 20 years. With six Y Kinders in the same LGA offering 30 hours of Pre-Prep in 2025, we continue to be at the forefront of sector changes.
“We have taken the very bold leap to go straight to 30 hours because we believe that it will provide the best outcomes for the children and will provide us with the greatest insight into the impact of Pre-Prep.”
Vicki Dobson, Executive Manager, Children’s Services
Advocating for a small commmunity
For Willaura, located around 25 minutes from Ararat and with a population under 500 people, the kindergarten is an integral part of the community.
Y Kinders secured a special arrangement with the Department of Education to ensure 30 hours of Pre-Prep access for his community, so that children in the area have the same as their urban counterparts. Children are able to attend 15 hours at Willaura and District Kindergarten, with the option of an additional 15 hours in the neighbouring town of Lake Bolac.
Early Education is equally important for every child, where ever they live. Y Kinders manages services across the state, with over 50% based in regional and remote Victoria, providing a vital service for these small communities.

Holiday Programs
with an extra Y dimension
Across our 4 service areas – Early Learning, Outside School Hours Care (OSHC), Youth Programs and Recreation, we’re always on the lookout for ways that we can combine our strengths and bring our areas of expertise together to deliver unique and impactful experiences.
During the OSHC Holiday programs, children enjoyed sessions hosted by other Y Ballarat teams. ReCranked, our Ballarat based bike recycling initiative, visited the Ararat venue, while the Bacchus Marsh and two Ballarat services joined together to splash a morning away at Y Learn and Swim.
In Ararat, children learnt new skills by working on eight ReCranked bikes, with six going off to new homes at the end of the session. For some, this was an opportunity to have a bike for the first time. In Brown Hill, the exclusive use of the warm pool at Y Learn and Swim created a safe, fun, festival atmosphere as the services came together.
Adding these new dimensions to the program have fueled excitement and future collaborations.

“The visit to Y Learn and Swim was a resounding success, leaving all the children happy, smiling, and a bit worn out from all the swimming. Credit to both OSHC and Y Learn and Swim for kicking off this partnership journey with such a successful program!”
Lucy Conn, Swim School

“The ReCranked holiday session hummed along solidly for four hours and finished with students putting up their hands to be gifted the ReCranked bikes to take home and enjoy. Heading back to Ballarat with a smile on my face I reflected on what a great success the day had been!”
Tom Huberts, ReCranked in Schools Co-ordinator.

“There was a lot of excitement from children and educators about this excursion. For many children it was the first time they had been on a swimming excursion with the Y, but it was also an opportunity for them to showcase their swimming skills.”
Emily Griffiths, OSHC Ballarat Program Director.

Community Commitment
Strong relationships with Councils, communities, families and Parent Advisory Groups are vital to ongoing upgrades, redevelopments and improvements at our kindergartens.
With Pre-Prep rolling out from next year, enhanced and expanded environments will help ensure children have the best start in their early learning journey.

Greening the future
Powered by the sun
Across our organisation, we take steps every day to incorporate education encouraging action and change to create a more sustainable planet.
We demonstrate our commitment through seeking available grant funding and implementing a range of projects to enhance our facilities making them greener and more environmentally friendly.
“By using more solar energy, we’re not just reducing our climate impact—we’re making a positive move toward a cleaner, healthier planet for everyone.
Our solar installations also provide opportunities to teach children about sustainability in everyday life, from solar power and composting, to veggie gardens and recycling. Together, we’re creating a brighter future!”
Renee Collins – Business Services Manager, Y Ballarat
21 Y Kinders sites equipped with solar panels
140,055 kWh generated in 12 months
Equivalent of the CO2 consumed by 4,540 trees annually
99.9 tonnes of CO2 saved annually
Learning today for tomorrow

Y Learn and Swim grows a community
From when the doors first opened in March 2023, there’s been something special about the atmosphere at Y Learn and Swim.
The unique combination of Long Day Care, sessional kindergarten and a Swim School under one roofline, and the commitment to make life easier for busy families may have something to do with it.
And it was no more apparent than at the first birthday celebrations, where families and the local community came together, enjoying the “vibe” that is often referenced by the Centre’s families.
Over the first twelve months of operation the Centre has gone from strength to strength, adding features to both the learning spaces and to the programs. The free kinder program commenced, holiday swimming programs launched, and intergenerational sessions and regular nature walks introduced as part of the ELC activities.

Food for life

Nurturing healthy habits in Y Kinders
“We love that we have our own vegetable beds to grow fresh produce. We bring this into the kindergarten to support learning independence skills and to cook and eat!”
Gayle Collett, Nangiloc & District Kindergarten
In the outside space of just about every Y Kinder, you’ll find one or two very large boxes of soil hosting a small garden of herbs and vegetables.
Our kindergarten kitchen garden and healthy eating programs focus on fostering a deeper connection between children and the food they consume. Tending garden beds and watching plants grow from seed to harvest encourages curiosity and responsibility and inform nutritious food choices from a young age.
Through these activities, children develop a lifelong appreciation for healthy eating, sustainability, and the joy of preparing food together.
This approach aligns with our commitment to well-being – the well-being of individuals and in turn the communities of which they are a part.
On the menu at Outside School Hours Care
“Oh wow, now I have something new I can add to their menu at home!” Parent, Newington OSHC
Teaming up with Ballarat Community Health as part of the Vic Kids Eat Well program, has led to OSHC children making new dietary choices at home.
Families have been delighted to see their children expand their repertoire of foods and request healthier options.
Not only are the children involved in making and devouring snacks, but the approach has also created other opportunities for learning.
Participation is paramount with children compiling healthy recipe books, learning about nutrition, enthusiastically joining in cooking and preparation, taking orders from others in the program and suggesting menus.

Building skills and confidence
in Source. Grow. Cook. Work.
“The Source. Grow. Cook. Work. program empowered young people to take control of their own health and wellbeing, helping them build skills and confidence for future employment.
Participants were supported to become active, engaged members of their community who have the knowledge and aspirations to pursue, gain and maintain employment in the food manufacturing and hospitality industries.”
Asha Buckmaster, Youth Impact Lead.
Young people in the Wendouree area took part in a new Y Ballarat program focused on relationships with food in a variety of contexts.
Fortnightly sessions saw their understanding of how to source fresh healthy food, grow produce and cook nutritious meals blossom. Learning expanded to include the benefits of locally sourced food, environmental understanding and the implications for the planet.
With food at the centre, young people developed confidence, community connections and employment-related skills.
The Source. Grow. Cook. Work. program was funded by the Ballarat Foundation.

Planting the seed
Whether it is by deepening our understanding of different cultures, increasing accessibility in our environments, or fostering greater appreciation for diversity, or a myriad of other activities, inclusion is woven in to every part of our operations.
Over the past year, professional development and community partnerships have played a vital role, particularly in embedding First Nations’ perspectives into our practices at our early learning services.
In Term 2, 2024, over 650 Y Kinders’ staff from our 92 services were invited to complete training in Culturally Responsive and Respectful Practice with fka Children’s Services. Equipped with toolkits to support critical reflection and enhance programs, Educators were encouraged to incorporate Koorie ways of knowing, being and doing by considering their actions, environments and approach through a different cultural lens.
We continually create experiences designed to broaden understanding and acceptance—among the children we teach, within our staff teams, and across our communities—making these a natural part of our everyday lives.
“It is rewarding to see the journey of professional growth that the educators go through as a result of their commitment to continuous improvement. It is also gratifying to hear presenters acknowledge the great work our teams are doing during their visits to services for training sessions, indicating that we are definitely on the right track.”
Karen Chugg, SRF Pedagogy Coach, Y Kinders
Connecting through culture
As part of broader cultural awareness programs, many Y Kinders incorporate learning a language.
For children, there are recognised advantages, such as enhancing pre-reading and writing skills, increasing understanding of other cultures and developing abilities that support overall learning.
Importantly, for many families, it is also a powerful way that they feel a closer bond with the kindergarten community and a deeper sense of connection. And this sense of connection has positive effects on their children and their learning.

Loungeroom literacy
In its fifth year at Y Kinders, the book gifting program has provided thousands of children with books to take home.
We celebrate the impact of distributing 27,000 books (valued at $264,000), which has extended the joy of reading beyond the kinder for whole families and communities.
Sea of hands
Columbia Park Preschool collaborated with local primary school, Waverley Meadows and the community to create a “Sea of Hands” along their front fenceline, showing their support for First Nations people and to encourage meaningful conversations about Reconciliation.

Room to bloom
Across the Ballarat region, our Diversity and Inclusion Project works alongside local Pride groups in secondary schools to provide opportunities for building connections and network within the broader LGBTQIA+ community, and importantly to amplify feelings of safety and inclusion.
In addition to the ongoing activities in schools, two significant activities took place, our third Pride in Schools event and the development of a Queer Youth Voice Collage in conjunction with the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership.
Pride in Schools now takes place in 11 educational settings in the Ballarat region, empowering rainbow young people, and fostering feelings of affirmation, inclusion and pride.

A trilogy of success
As we stepped into the third year of Pride in Schools, the event’s significance continued to grow. It is not just a celebration but a powerful statement of solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ community. By creating an environment where queer youth can thrive, the Pride in Schools event is helping to shape a more inclusive future.
Signalling safety
An aim of the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership to communicate safety and inclusion in their environment, was the starting point for a collective art project. Showcasing photos from young people, The Queer Youth Voice Photo Collage is permanently displayed on a large wall in their Ballarat building.

with innovation
The Sandbox Project
In October 2023, the Y Ballarat and Federation University joined forces to research, design and build an innovative online learning platform for Early Childhood Educators.
With $1.43m in financial support from the Victorian Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions, the Sandbox project aligns with the Best Start, Best Life reforms being rolled out in Victoria over the next 10 years.
The vision is to create new ways of delivering self-pace professional development that is grounded in educational research, is engaging, easily accessible and supports the lifelong learning of our workforce.
Key starting points were identifying in-demand learning areas and gathering baseline data to form a stronger sense of factors impacting on the job satisfaction of Early Childhood practitioners and their intention to stay in the sector.
Utilising a gamified approach incorporating AI, 3D simulations, short games, and downloadable content, a beta module – Nature Play – was launched to Y Kinders’ staff in May 2024. Co-designed with Y Kinders’ teachers, features continue to be refined through ongoing testing with users.
An updated version of Nature Play has been developed and the Sandbox team is working to release additional modules in late 2024. Plans are to open access to these high-quality, immersive learning experiences to early childhood sector practitioners Australia-wide.

Celebrating our people
Our Jump Start Coordinator, Louise Rippon, took out the Influential Adult – Worker Award at the 2024 City of Ballarat Youth Awards. The Award recognises the contribution and impact made by a paid worker, who goes above and beyond their usual requirements supporting young people in the community.
Louise is flexible, incredibly supportive and makes immense effort to get to know each young person she works with. She has grown Jump Start, the Y Ballarat’s automotive engagement program for young people, phenomenally over the last two years.
Her dedication and approach have helped over 200 young people complete the program.

Recognising achievements
Members of our Youth team continue to be recognised and celebrated for their outstanding contributions.
In the previous twelve months, we also saw our Youth Programs Trainee, Delana Wright win the Personal Growth Award in the City of Ballarat Youth Awards. Asha Buckmaster (Youth Impact Lead), Brendan Hewitt (Jump Start Mechanic and Mentor), and Peter Bradley (Jump Start participant and volunteer) were also nominated for awards.
Rural Youth Awards
Arlie Jace Barwell-Chung, Diversity and Inclusion Project Worker, was a finalist in the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria’s 2024 Rural Youth Awards. This Award recognised an outstanding youth project promoting diversity and inclusion in rural or regional Victoria.
Federation University Commerce Ballarat Business Excellence Awards Finalists
The Y Ballarat was a Finalist in two categories in the 2024 Federation University Commerce Ballarat Business Excellence Awards, amongst a stellar lineup.
We were honored to see the efforts and achievements of all our dedicated teams recognised in our selection as Finalists in the Nevett Wilkinson Frawley Large Business Award and the Stoke Design Co. Not for Profit Business Award categories.

Places of Belonging
Creating a workforce for the future
A solid investment in establishing a new workforce strategy, has led to reaping rewards in 2023-24. Now in its second year, we’re seeing the impact of some big signature pieces of work by our People & Culture team.
One of the jewels in the crown is our Graduate Program. Bringing in-depth knowledge and understanding has created placements in kindergartens and communities where graduates can let their strengths shine and be supported along their pathway to full registration.
Robust mentoring, provided from both inside and outside the organisation, means that a whole cohort of graduates feel well equipped, confident and valued. Over the last twelve months we’ve seen the impact in our recruitment and retention rates.
“We have a structured plan of support for our staff and nurture continuous improvement. Recognising that we are a diverse workforce, working in diverse communities, means that we are able to offer diverse opportunities. Through tailored and personal approaches, we aim to provide meaningful careers and future proof the organisation against known and unknown challenges.”
Emily Chatham, Executive Manager,
People & Culture.
“Helping new graduates through our Graduate Program is so rewarding! It’s not just about guiding their careers; it’s about sparking a love for learning that will inspire the next generation. Seeing them grow truly reminds us of how powerful education can be!”
Marg Harrison, Y Kinders Regional Operations
Manager, Western Region.
“I truly have been given every opportunity to learn, especially from the sessions facilitated by Catharine Hydon while in the Graduate Program. Also knowing support is just a phone call away.”
Faith Howie, Graduate Program participant,
Lake Bolac Kindergarten.

EA for a new era
With a remarkable 92% Yes Vote, a new Enterprise Agreement was voted on in May 2024.
The culmination of an 11-month process, the introduction of the EA involved an intensive period including 75 hours of consultation with service operational groups, staff, lawyers, unions and the Commission. The new EA impacts 180 Y Ballarat staff across four service delivery types and comes into effect in August 2024.
Incorporating 27 Federal legislation changes, it removes structural and systemic barriers to equality within the workforce.
It represents an uplift in the employment terms and conditions and embeds career pathways. Designed to be flexible in its use, it has set Y Ballarat up for success across the different service delivery portfolios.

Safeguarding excellence
In May, 2024 we were thrilled to receive an Excellence rating from the Australian Childhood Foundation.
This major highlight for the organisation reflects our strong dedication to keeping children and young people safe and to incorporate Safeguarding into every facet of our environment, culture and operations.
The Review’s report also praised our Pride in Schools and Jump Start programs as incredible assets, in their support of young people through the provision of high-quality programs and safe spaces.
With 13 out of 16 critical standards rated as exceeding or excellent, it’s clear that our journey of continuous improvement delivers high standards.
Our strong policies, comprehensive training, and commitment to listening to children creates warm, safe environments where everyone can thrive.
Thank You
We extend warm thanks to everyone who has supported us throughout the year, as we work with and for young people.
We greatly value the collaboration of government partners, local Councils, community groups, volunteers, agencies and businesses, amplifying the reach and effectiveness of our programs, and in turn empowering more young people and their communities.
We also thank the wider Y family, along with all those who participate in and support our programs – children, young people, families and community members. Your commitment over the year has contributed to our evolution and growth, magnified the impact of our programs and helped shape a brighter future.

The Y acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures; and to Elders past, present and future.
We would like to acknowledge the past failures to protect children and young people and the trauma that was inflicted upon the victims, survivors, and their families, especially if they were under the Y’s care.
We are committed to addressing and learning from the wrongs of the past and assure all survivors who suffered abuse that we are dedicated to doing everything we can to empower all children and young people- to feel safe and be safe at the Y, in their families and in their communities.